Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Urban Gardening with KCMO Tower Garden.  http://www.kcmo.towergarden.com/
The Future Of Urban Gardening: No Dirt, No Mess, No Kneeling, No Weeding perfect for your deck, patio, porch or yard.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What In The World Is An Aeroponic Tower Garden?

A Tower Garden is a vertical, aeroponic growing system that can fit on your deck, porch, patio or balcony.  You can also place them in your yard.

It uses no dirt, only water with nutrients in it.  So there is no tilling, weeding, kneeling, dirty hands or anything of the sorts!  It's so easy to get started and grow your own fruits and vegetables right in arms reach!

Assemble the Tower Garden
When you order your Tower Garden, everything you need comes with it:  The tower, the pump, the hose, rock wool, nutrients and seeds to get you started!

Probably the most difficult thing about the Tower Garden is putting it together and THAT isn't even hard.
Takes 15 minutes.

When you get your Tower Garden it will be shipped directly to your home.  No need to leave the house.  It's the latest thing in Urban Gardening.  Due to some Homeowners Association rules some neighborhoods cannot even have gardens, but with the Tower Garden that's not a problem!!

You should start your seeds inside and when they get to be nice little seedlings you can put them in the baskets and place in the Tower Garden.

Your Tower Garden will come with detailed descriptions for assembly and usage.
With all the pesticides, GMO, etc. it's great growing your own fruits and vegetables and not have to worry where your food came from.